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"Talent has no gender"

"Women have the same capacity as men to have authority, but sometimes they fail for three reasons: they lack more competence, more preparation and better networking."

- Elizabeth Trallero

Leading in Feminine

In the world there is a clear imbalance between the feminine and the masculine. Management and decision-making roles have historically been in the hands of men and I work every day to change that.


Having women in positions of power positively favors organizations and contributes to business competitiveness.  When there is a woman or two on the board of directors, the results improve.

Companies cannot lose talent and there are women training in business schools who are perfectly qualified to assume leadership positions. The difficult thing is to promote yourself and have the opportunity to prove your worth.

For more than 35 years I have been committed to the development and training of women managers and the incorporation of diversity in companies.


I think it is necessary promote effective gender equality based on talent, skills and abilities rather than quotas, to put an end to salary, promotion or selection disadvantages, and thus break the "glass ceiling" that affects women.

I am convinced that the world of tomorrow will be led by women , however, I see it as essential that men also be part of the process of female empowerment. I am delighted to work with men, but we have to treat each other face to face.

Without a doubt today we need more professionals with a feminine vision, not necessarily more women.

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IWEC Foundation 2018 Annual Conference - Shanghai, China 

How do I work for female managers?​​

  • Sharing my experiences, knowledge and best practices in business management.

  • Giving visibility and opening paths to other women.

  • Being a mentor to other women in their professional career.

  • Supporting local and global networking among women.

  • Collaborating with associations of professional women at a national and international level.

  • Giving lectures about the advantages of having women in leadership roles and how to reach them.

  • Training as "Equality Agent" through the course created by AFFAEMME and certified by the University of Barcelona.

What topics do I talk about in my presentations in Feminine?

Organizations of which I am a member and/or have collaborated

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Some videos of my lectures

Estudio 7 Valencia - The 7 keys to success for an enterprising woman, according to the executive and businesswoman: Elizabeth Trallero.

In this video I comment on what for me are the main keys that a woman must take into account to be successful at a professional level:

1.- Knowledge of the profession or activity to be exercised.

2.- Apply the culture of effort.

3.- Passion and enthusiasm.

4.- Perseverance and persistence.

5.- Make drastic and necessary decisions for the company.

6.- The importance of Networking.

7.- The visibility of women in the professional environment.

Womenalia - Inspiration Day 2012 - Round Table: "Women at the summit", with the participation of: Elizabeth Trallero, CEO of Congost Plastic; Ana María Llopis, president of Día; Krista Walochik, President of Norman Broadbent; Sofía Rodríguez-Sahagún, director of image and brand of Vodafone and Isla Ramos, executive director of Lenovo. 

In this video I talk with the other participants of the Round Table: "Women at the top" about the management model based on: networks, passion and empathy, emphasizing the need to capture female talent. We also deal with the issue of the difficulty women have in reconciling work and family.

She Leader 2.0 - International Congress of Directives and Professionals 2010 - World Trade Center Barcelona - Elizabeth Trallero, president of the European Women's Management Development Network (EWMD).

In this video I explain how a professional network of female directors and executives should work, working with strategic alliances with male professional networks. I also talk about the importance of social networks and networking to be properly connected on a professional level.

Lecturer and Mentor in Feminine


I can help you boost your business or professional career, or help your team with my conferences on leadership and networking for women managers and businesswomen.

Eli, tell me more

¿Cuenta tu empresa con un Plan de Igualdad?

Planes de Igualdad para PYMES

Como Agente de Igualdad, puedo ayudar a tu empresa tanto a crear un nuevo Plan de Igualdad como a actualizar planes ya implantados, con mis servicios de Consultoría en Igualdad y Diversidad enfocado en PYMES.

En esta consultoría trabajaremos juntos para:

  • Identificar donde residen las brechas de género y diversidad en la empresa.

  • Llevar a cabo las acciones positivas encaminadas a conseguir la Igualdad en la empresa.

  • Crear un Protocolo de acoso sexual o por razón de sexo.

Asimismo, puedo brindar formación especializada en Igualdad para tu equipo, con cursos a medida en modalidad online o presencial para que la implantación de tu Plan de Igualdad sea todo un éxito.

  • Sharing my experiences, knowledge and best practices in business management.

  • Giving visibility and opening paths to other women.

  • Being a mentor to other women in their professional career.

  • Supporting local and global networking among women.

  • Collaborating with associations of professional women at a national and international level.

  • Giving lectures about the advantages of having women in leadership roles and how to reach them.

  • Training as "Equality Agent" through the course created by AFFAEMME and certified by the University of Barcelona.

Contacta conmigo si quieres más información sobre los servicios de Consultoría en Igualdad y Diversidad, y la creación de un Plan de Igualdad para tu PYME.

Quiero un Plan de Igualdad

Libros para inspirarte

Los siguientes libros me han ayudado durante toda mi carrera profesional a ver el mundo en el que vivimos desde la perspectiva femenina.

Descarga los resúmenes a continuación


Can you afford to ignore me?

Elisabet Rodriguez Dennehy

The Power of Habit

charles duhigg

12 Leadership Powers for

Successful Women

Sylvia Becker-Hill

Ellas deciden

Gemma Cernuda


El mito de la Supewoman

Mar Galtés / Esther Casademont

The Power of Habit

charles duhigg

El fraude de la igualdad

María-Milagros Rivera

La mística de la feminidad

Betty Friedan


Thinking, Fast & Slow

Daniel Kahnemann

The Power of Habit

charles duhigg

Enlightenment Now

Steven Pinker

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen Covey


Thinking, Fast & Slow

Daniel Kahnemann

The Power of Habit

charles duhigg

Enlightenment Now

Steven Pinker

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen Covey


Thinking, Fast & Slow

Daniel Kahnemann

The Power of Habit

charles duhigg

Enlightenment Now

Steven Pinker

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen Covey


Thinking, Fast & Slow

Daniel Kahnemann

The Power of Habit

charles duhigg

Enlightenment Now

Steven Pinker

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen Covey


Thinking, Fast & Slow

Daniel Kahnemann

The Power of Habit

charles duhigg

Enlightenment Now

Steven Pinker

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen Covey


Butterfly in a Storm

Diana S. Zimmerman

The Power of Habit

charles duhigg

Enlightenment Now

Steven Pinker

Los Diez Retos de Silvia

Rosalía Portela

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La carga mental femenina

Samanta Villar

Mujeres Maximalistas

Rosa de Diego & Lydia Vázquez

Ambición Femenina

Nuria Chinchilla y Consuelo León

¿Por qué no ascienden las mujeres? 

Sally Helgesen y Marshall Goldsmith


Mujeres y Economía

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Global Summit of Women 2023

Dubai, EAU

Más de 900 delegados de 73 países se reunieron el pasado mes de mayo en Dubai para discutir sobre temas como las megatendencias regionales globales, informes de mujeres directivas, transformación digital y el futuro del trabajo, la nueva realidad de las empresas familiares, la transición a un mundo Net-Zero y compartir información sobre las mujeres que impulsan el crecimiento empresarial como consumidoras y líderes empresariales a nivel mundial.

No te pierdas los aspectos más destacados y las conclusiones de las presentaciones. Descarga el resumen del Global Summit of Women 2023 que he preparado especialmente para ti.

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